
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Psycho Baby

What me?

Whoa where has my darling angel pie gone? Kaylee please come back, your psycho dopelganger is no longer welcome! Who would think this innocent looking princess could be such a demanding diva?

Seriously my Kaylee has suddenly changed from loveable tike to tasmanian devil. Monday she was her usual self then Tuesday, yesterday and today she has been a screaming mess. Unless I am holding her she is just crazy. Cries at the drop of a hat. It's is 6pm and she is in bed, I have totally had enough and put her to bed. Hopefully it's just because of the nw tooth coming through. I can't work at home any more because she stands at my leg and screams and claws at me to pick her up. And LOUD!!! Like a banshee, how can one little girl scream soooo loud?

Luckily she is a great sleeper and goes all night with out a peep. It takes 20 seconds to put her to bed, walk in lay her down tuck her in and that's it. Same with Deacon, our bedtime routine's for both kids are just in & out.

Oh well, tomorrow she has me to herself all day so here's hoping I can make her happy while daddy gets some sleep, luckily for him he doesn't have to work tomorrow night. It's one thing to have a screaming 16 month old in the house but another when a shift worker is trying to sleep through it.

On another note check out my new layout! Can you tell my Christina stuff came through! hahaha. I am totally in love with these flowers, so awesome. Christina wrote to tell me my order had cleared but little did she know that not only had I already downloaded it but had already done this page! hahaha. I had to do it quick while Kaylee was up at mum's house

I did some shopping and got some new clothes as well today, just tshirts for summer. No black, nice hot pink and a gorgeous emerald green. No more depressing black this season, it's happy bright & funky for me!

I've had a few comments about why I didn't apply for the CT call of Christina's. Easy answer, I didn't have any layouts using Christina's products to show off. I was all ready to go for it until I read the part about showing your favourite Christina layout. I felt it was fair on people who did use products, for me to apply without ever actually using any of Christina's products. Next time around I'll be there as I now finally have taken the plunge and bought some products which I am totally in love with already. I'm all for following the rules.

I also notice I haven't had any nasty anon comments about my piracy post either, they were pretty keen to say what they thought of me on The Digital Dish but not so confident to say it to my face (so to speak). Such a ridiculous thing to accuse me of piracy for admitting to downloading a free to air show, who am I ripping off exactly? And I am still downloading Survivor China but I am yet to actually watch it. Being accused of piracy has left me very mad still. I am so pissed off it's not funny. It's a free to air show! Get over it! How dare you say it's stealing? And that I am a pirate! arrrrr It is a free to air show, we don't get it here in Australia, I can't watch it on the CBS site because of region settings or some crap. What else can I do? (Ignore me I'm still so mad and having a major vent!!!)

New layout tonight. Mum & I at the Annual State Night Awards in 2005. Just after I reached my first goal weight. I was presented as the Queen of our club for losing the most weight for our club for the year. I had lost 13kilos at that stage. About 4 months before I got pregnant with Kaylee as well.

I used my Diamond Swirls freebie on both layouts so be sure to grab it.

My page for the FPD Think Pink Challenge.

I chose my Paternal Grandmother. She had a very hard life. A single mother of 2 children over 70 years ago, just imagine the stigma attached to that back then! And by 2 different men even. Sadly she had Alzeimer's and died in a nursing home. She had it for over 10 years before she was diagnosed, everyone thought she just went quiet. And because she lived with my Aunty she just seemed normal for so many years. No accidents or anything to make us realise. She ended up just being so quiet and frail. She really did it hard.