I haven't abandoned my blog. I just don't have ANY free time ATM. I'm nearly finished some of my backlog of computer work. No pages for a week!!
I am secretary of our local Playgroup. You might think it isn't a big job......................until you meet our president. She is a tyrant!!! Only kidding. She just makes me work very hard! hahaha.
So basically this is our busiest time of year...why?....because stupid ME is in charge of our major fundraiser. Personalised calendars. I have to print out the bottoms, laminate the tops, then bind them all together. I'm talking 100+ calendars. This is my last year as secretary, I just am not enjoying it lately and it's my time to move on. And I haven't even made the calendar yet:(because I don't use a template I make it all by hand in Publisher. Make the grid, copy in the dates, copy in the holidays etc.....very time consuming.)
So bear with me, I will be back with a freebie ASAP. And hopefully one layout somewhere in between!!
Don't get me wrong I LOVE Leanne and she does a fantastic job being our president.